Click here for more pictures of the day.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fort Fisher Trip
Today, we went to Wilmington (actually Fort Fisher) to the beach and Aquarium. Things went fairly well considering. Elisabeth had a good weekend all in all. She seemed more content than she has in weeks. Here are some snapshots from the trip that Kelly took with our new fancy camera. (Happily the old camera is working fine after getting dried out - it's smaller and therefore more user friendly for documenting everyday activities with the kiddos.)

Click here for more pictures of the day.
Click here for more pictures of the day.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Jonah goes from Crib to Bed
Jonah will be two next week and it looks like we will be converting his crib to a bed this weekend. Yesterday, he crawled out of his crib at nap time and opened the door and walked into the living room. He did it twice before his dad was able to convince him to stay put and take a nap. Then, last night he went to bed and about 30 minutes later decided to do the same thing - this time we heard him trying to open his door from our room. Kelly was home yesterday, so he dealt with the escape artist. Today, I was home by myself and at naptime was dreading a fight. To my suprise, there were no episodes and he stayed put like normal. A coworker friend of Kelly's has already put thier child who is a few months younger in a toddler bed, but she doesn't know how to open the door to her room. Apparently, there is a sweet spot for transfering them to a toddler bed and we missed it. New update: Kelly just walked in from the garage with the parts to tranform the crib. I guess my request to wait until this weekend got Vetoed............. Upon questioning, Kelly has decided that the way he gets in and out of the crib is not safe. I guess I can't argue with that. :-)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Elisabeth Rose Meets Roszella
As you can probably tell by my lack of posts, it's been a little busy around here with a two year old and a newborn. We did managed to drive to Florida and back last week just in time to endure Tropical Storm Fay which seemed to match our movements across the state as we visited family. It was nice to see family however. Elisabeth Rose got to meet her grandparents, aunts and uncle, including one of her namesakes, her great-grandma Roszella (also called Rosie). Mamaw (Rosie) enjoyed talking baby talk to Elisabeth and Elisabeth responded with lots of cute little coo's and caw's.
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Friday, August 08, 2008
Good Morning Poopy
This morning I went to get Jonah up. When I went in he said, "poopy," and I just said, "I know, mommy will fix it," as I walked over to open the blinds in his room - he will sometimes tell us when he has a dirty diaper. As I went over to the crib, however, I saw a little poopy turd in the crib. And I thought, how did that fall out of his diaper. Then I saw his diaper laying in the crib and realized he was naked from the waste down. I got him out of the crib and cleaned him up and put a diaper on him - thankful there wasn't more of a mess but fussing at my husband in my head for not putting pajama bottoms on him last night. A few minutes later we are in the kitchen getting breakfast and I smell another stinker. He had quite a load this time. Perhaps, he willingly showed some restraint earlier realizing he pooped in the bed - I can only hope.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Home Alone with the Kids
Well, I survived my first day at home alone with both kids (23 month & 2 week old). Kelly still has quite a bit of paternity leave left but he was asked to work a few days here and there if possible and so yesterday was the first day we tried that. It went fairly well - although lunch time was a little frantic with baby crying and me trying to make lunch. Besides that though, I'd say it was a good first day. Of course, there was no major activities going on. It will be a while before I try an outing alone with the two of them. I definitely need to be more fully healed from the c-section before that happens.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Baby Shower for Elisabeth Rose
A big 'Thank you' to Sheila Burns for hosting a lovely baby shower for myself and Elisabeth Rose. We had a great time and Elisabeth can't wait to show off her new wardrobe. Here are a few pictures from the event.
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