Monday, May 11, 2009

Elisabeth at 9 Months

I can't believe Elisabeth is going to be 10 month's old in a few days. Oh, how the time flies. I am really enjoying this stage. I think I'm savoring it more than I did with Jonah because now I know how quickly she will change and I think I'm just more relaxed having gone through this stage with Jonah. Here is a recent video of her talking; you can hear her say something close to "mama" and "dada." You can really see her personality too.

This video was taken a few weeks ago when we went to the lake. We thought we would go swimming, but the water was too cold. Before we figured that out I had put Miss Elisabeth in her little bathing suit that I bought for 25 cents at a consignment sale. Here is a picture of her posing in her bathing suit.

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