Here he is immediately after I dropped him off:

His classroom has a door that opens out to this new playground:

When I went to pick him up, I snapped the above picture before the teacher told him, "Jonah, your mommy is here." He just ignored her in that "So what" kind of way - needless to say, I was not feeling the love. Promises to return and other distractions eased his departure somewhat.
When an opportunity arose at the beginning of the week for him to go to preschool, I started to get cold feet. Primarily due to the fact that the opportunity was for a 3 day/week class (9am-noon) versus a two day a week class. I guess my trepidation was unwarranted as he would seem to prefer 5 day a week class!
Oh! How cute,with his hair combed to one side and interacting with the other kids,looking like the little school kid he is,though I was a bit confused with his hours,two or three hours a day five days a week.Is that correct? I think this will be good for him ~;-D Love to all.
His class will meet Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. So it will total about 9 hours a week on a regular schedule.
Shanna-this is priceless! I love your "Adventures in Motherhood" blog...too cute! Katelyn's first year in preschool launched the idea of me becoming a teacher. Leaving her was horrible-unfortunately, she didn't take to it like Jonah did! ;) You look like you are loving mommyhood and I am sooo happy for you. By the way, your little angels are adorable-and growing up fast! I hope to talk to you soon-we can catch up....Love ya! Lisa
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