Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Day at Home

Despite the fact we had just experienced a very full month, I found the thought of cooking a big Thanksgiving meal for the just the four of us a bit depressing. I have realized recently that I really enjoy setting a table and sitting down with friends and family at a dinner table. There is something divine in the act of eating and communing together. So, we invited some friends over to join us who are also with out family in the area. Zeynep and Serdar graciously accepted our invitation and hung out for the better part of the afternoon. Jonah and Serra had a great time playing together.


ladyjackalope said...

How nice,looks like good food with good friends and fun for two of the little ones.Did the Mom and Dads get a turn after Jonah and his friend? Looks like more fun watching them.~;-D Love to all.

Serra said...

Shanna, we had such a nice time at your place. Thanks a lot for having us. We look forward to having you at our place after my finals are done this week!