Friday, January 29, 2010

Elisabeth Starts Kindermusik Class

Jonah went to Kindermusik classes from the time he was 8 months old until Elisabeth was born. Poor Elisabeth is just now getting her turn. I took her to a preview class last week to see how she liked it.

As you can see she rather enjoyed it and mommy did too. So we signed up and today was her first full class. This was her favorite part.


ladyjackalope said...

Looks as though Elisabeth will do great,she may not be stomping her feet or jumping yet,but at least you can see she is paying attention to the teacher,and that is very good.Seems kids love scarfs,I still have so many from when my Sarah and Lindsay were younger and dressed with them.Tying one around their waist and tucking other scarfs in all around to make skirt and then a top from a large scarf.I sent the pictures to them just recently.Proud of you and Mommy Elisabeth.

ladyjackalope said...

Elisabeth dancing to the music with the scarfs is so cute,reminds me of her dancing to the Christmas music, ~;-D

ladyjackalope said...

As I look at this for the third or forth time I see Elisabeth saw where container of scarfs were put and wanted to play with them again.Also in my original comment I meant proud of Mommy and Elisabeth. ~;-D

Amy said...

So cute! I can't believe how big she is!