Saturday, January 26, 2019

Elisabeth’s 1st Spelling Bee

There were 13 other contestants 4th - 8th grade in this Spelling Bee put on by a local homeschool group. Elisabeth was very nervous about being in front of a crowd. Overcoming her anxiousness, she made it through five rounds before misspelling the word "pennant."  Her consolation was the relief of being done with the experience and a newfound confidence for her next competitive exercise. 
It was a great opportunity and one in which we will look for again in the future.

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Furniture Assembly by Middle Schoolers

The start of every year usually finds me sorting and reorganizing something somewhere in the house. Having moved in the last few months, my husband and I both had a long list of tasks to accomplish in those free days between Christmas and New Years Eve. This year, my goal was to make our homeschool/project space more usable, which required a trip to IKEA.
 Elisabeth picked out a desk and chair and Jonah also picked out a desk chair. I was pleasantly surprised that they were able to assemble their desk chairs all by themselves. Elisabeth had some very minimal help from me involving tightening a couple of screws, while Jonah had none, giving me exasperated looks if I even came near. Elisabeth's desk was a bit too complex a project for her to accomplish on her own, but she did give me a lot of help and even assisted me in putting together my desk.
Lately, I have been particularly struck with how grownup these two are and somewhat nostalgic about those days when they were younger and supremely adorable. One forgets how tiring those days are and just remembers how stinking cute they were. The joy of their sweetness overwhelms the weariness of it all. This experience has reminded me that there are advantages to their independence and this phase of their development. I still look at them in adoration and wonder these days, but less due to raw cuteness and more for the amazing persons they are becoming.

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